Art Major (AA)
Studio Arts for Transfer (AA-T)
Art History for Transfer (AA-T)
click the above titles for more info about each program

Satisfies most requirements for AA in Art, Studio Art & Art History
ART 1.1 Introduction to Art of the Ancient World
ART 1.2 Global Art from 1500 CE to Present
ART 2.1 Ancient Mediterranean Art
ART 2.2 History of European Art: Medieval to Rococo
ART 2.5 Women and Art Since 1500
ART 3 Introduction to Art and Design
ART 4 Principles of Color
ART 5 Three Dimensional Design
ART 7A Drawing and Composition

ART 1.1 Introduction to Art of the Ancient World
ART 1.2 Global Art from 1500 CE to Present
ART 1.3 Egyptian Art
ART 1.4 Mesoamerican and Andean Art
ART 2.1 Ancient Mediterranean Art
ART 2.2 History of European Art: Medieval to Rococo
ART 2.3 History of Modern Art
ART 2.5 Women and Art Since 1500

ART 7A Drawing and Composition I
ART 7B Drawing and Composition II
ART 12 Beginning Figure Drawing
ART 112A Intermediate Figure Drawing
ART 112B Advanced Figure Drawing
ART 13 Watercolor
ART 14A Beginning Painting
ART 14B Intermediate Painting
ART 14C Advanced Painting
ART 69 Introduction to Cartooning an d Sequential Art