Instructional Resources
Online Image Galleries
University Hosted image Galleries
Finding Large Images Using Google
Image Copyright Issues to Consider

Instructional Resources

Khan Academy

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Online Image Galleries

Library of Congress Digital Collection: 

Access to print, pictorial and audio-visual collections and other digital services from the Library of Congress World Digital Library 

The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
Luna Commons
The LUNA Commons is where public collections are aggregated and viewed in the LUNA browser. The LUNA Commons provides free access to hundreds of thousands of images from reputable sources for educational and public use. 
New York Public Library Digital Gallery
NYPL Digital Gallery provides free and open access to over 700,000 images digitized from the The New York Public Library's vast collections, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints, photographs and more. 

John Martin Rare Book Room Images
These unique sets of several hundred images from the 5,000 volume John Martin Rare Book Room have been selected from some of the more striking works in the collection and include illustrations relating to anatomy, physiology, surgery, obstetrics, and therapeutics. 

accessCeramics is a growing collection of contemporary ceramics images by recognized artists enhancing ceramics education worldwide. 
Visual Resources Association Pool
Flickr photostream of images taken by Visual Resources Professionals. This collection contains images of public sculpture, architecture and art.
Life Magazine Photo Archive 
Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google. 

Photographs: America From the Great Depression to World War II

A collection documentary photographs from the Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information Collection. Access to over 160,000 images. 
Van Gogh 
The product of 15 years of research at the Van Gogh Museum and Huygens ING. The site contains all of Van Gogh's letter to his brother Theo, his artist friends Paul Gauguin and Emile Bernard, and many others 
Ghent Altarpiece 
"Closer to Van Eyck" Rediscovering the Ghent Altarpiece, open and closed with macro-photography. Image are downloadable. 
Society For the Study of Pilgrimage Art Photo Bank: Please click onto our on-going and ever-growing collection of copyright-free images. Your contributions and download use are both welcomed and encouraged. We just ask that you credit Peregrinations and the photographer if you publish these images. 


Resources for Art and Architecture on the Web
This site is a compilation of art and architecture resources from across the web. 


Anatomy in Art

Diocletian's Palace
Collection of 72 photos taken of Diocletian's Palace. The Palace was probably designed by Diocletian and was completed 304 CE. Images show substructure vaults. Split/Croatia.
These images have been downloaded and are available on the Art Archive Server located in the collections folder. 

Zimbabwe Rock Art 
Collection of 72 photos taken of Zimbabwe prehistoric cave paintings. 
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection 
ICFA holds a small collection of black-and-white and color 16mm moving images: the Red Sea Monastery of Saint Anthony in Egypt, the Hagia Sophia and Kariye Camii in Istanbul, Turkey, and the Dumbarton Oaks Gardens in Washington, D.C. 

Web Gallery of Art
The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts from 11th to 19th centuries. 

ASU Libraries
Provides descriptions and links to licensed, internet, and pay-per-view streaming video resources 

University Hosted Galleries


Art Images for College Teaching (AICT) began as a personal project dedicated to the principle of free exchange of image resources for and among members of the educational community. While the AICT site is maintained and distributed under the general auspices of the Minneapolis College of Art & Design (MCAD), this institution is not responsible for content or use thereof. 

Media Services has a collection of over 11,000 titles that are available for checkout to instructors, including documentary films, performance art, foreign-language, and popular features. 
Search:  Books and Media
Stream videos:  Kanopy
Generally, media may be checked out for one week during the semester, but special circumstances may warrant a longer period. If more time is needed, please inform Media Services or SRJC Library.
SRJC Shared Shelf
The Digital Archives Collection is being hosted by ArtStor using a service called Shared Shelf.  To view the digital images of the photographs we have put in the SRJC Digital Archives Collection, simply click on the image of Analy in the right hand side of the page.   (To find the Analy Hall link, scroll down the page and it is an image to the right)

Finding Large Images Using Google:

When searching with Google for an image large enough to use in a presentation, you can use Google image search tools to help refine your results.

  1. Type in your search subject. When the result page comes up, click on "Images" at the top of the page.
  2. At top of "Image" page choose "Search Tools"
  3. Below "Search Tools" different search criteria will appear. Choose "Size".
  4. Scroll over "Larger than" and a drop down list will appear. Choose "2 MP (1600x1200)".
  5. The page that comes up will have images that are large enough to use in presentations. When you scroll over the images, the size of the image in pixels will appear. The larger the image is the better it will be for projection.
  6. Choose the image you would like to download.
  7. To the right side of the image, choose "View original image".
  8. Right-click on the large image and choose "Save Image As" to save the image to your computer.

Image copyright issues to consider

Is it legal for instructors to pull images from the web for use in class lectures?

It all depends on the website. Instructors should look for any copyright statements or qualifications for use before downloading images. Also, they should find out if the website owner that is displaying the images has permission him/herself to use them, especially if the images are from museums or living artists. 

With that said, if an instructor is using the images just for viewing in the classroom, it should be alright to use them even if the images are copyrighted. But if an instructor puts the images on a publicly accessible website, that is when they will encounter trouble if they don't respect the image owner's wishes. 

Note: Many images come out very small or pixelated when downloaded, or have watermarks, if the owner doesn't want them shared.